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Sunday, September 13, 2009

21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader – John C Maxwell

One of Real good book I have read in the recent times. Read this book and it will change your life for ever.


The Light Knight.


Here is 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader from John C . Maxwell

1. Character : Be a piece of rock.

2. Charisma: The first impression can steal the deal.

3. Commitment: It separates the doers from the Dreamers

4. Communication: Without it you travel alone.

5. Competence: If you build it , They will come

6. Courage: One person with courage is Majority

7. Discernment:Put an end to unsolved Mysteries

8. Focus: The sharper it is , the sharper you are.

9.Generosity: Your candle loses nothing when it lights another.

10. Initiative: You won’t leave home without it.

11.Listening: To connect with their hearts, use your ears

12. Passion: Take this life and love it.

13. Positive attitude : If you believe you can , you can.

14. Problem solving: You can’t let your problems, be a problem.

15. Relationships: If you get along, they’ll go along.

16. Responsibility: If you won’t carry the ball, you can’t lead them.

17. Security: Competence never compensates for Insecurity.

18. Self-Discipline: The first person you lead is you.

19. Servant hood: To get ahead, put others first.

20. Teachability: To keep leading , keep learning.

21. Vision: You can seize only what you can see. 

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